Wednesday, May 30, 2018

February is Heart Month including CHD Awareness

Angelica is doing great.  She is very happy and playful.  Her cardiologist has pushed out her visits to every 3 months.  We were seeing her every month previously so it has been nice to get some time in between appointments.  I often forget that she has a heart condition.  This month has been a reminder of CHD and heart disease.  I've seen several stories of other kiddos.  One that sticks is of a two year old with hypoplastic left heart syndrome that did not make it to her 3rd birthday.  This is a reality for heart babies.  We do not know how long they have.  They will seemingly be healthy but with growth and developmental changes sometimes their little hearts can't keep up.  I do not know what the future holds for Angelica but I have faith.  We cherish every second with her.