Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Surgery day

We are back at Texas children's. Angelica had a day full of appointments yesterday and she did great. She napped at the doctors. She smiled and played when she was awake. Yesterday when the docs discovered Angelica has some of her formula pumped at night they decided it would be be
st to admit her to prevent low sugar and keep her hydrated. Since there were no rooms available we were admitted to the NICU.  At night when we arrived Angelica had past her bedtime so she was very hyper. Giggling and rolling around. It was really cute and fun to watch.  It so reassuring that this child is admitted to the hospital her schedule is completely turned upside down and she remains in high spirits. This morning when I got to the hospital she was still asleep. The nurse said she did great overnight. Slept wonderfully. The surgeon Dr. Mery said he will do his best to evaluate if she can have a double ventricle repair but it looks like she will be getting the Glenn. The Glenn is the second surgery in a series of three for a single ventricle repair. I will continue to update as I know how she is doing. Thank you for all the prayers and support. God has a plan for her. I have faith that Angelica is in good hands and will do well.

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